Population growth pattern represents the number of residents living in Edmonton. Density represents the number of Edmontonians living within the boundaries of the city.
Poverty represents Edmonton families who do not have enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter as measured by those in low income status.
Homelessness represents the Edmontonians who live on the streets, are moving between temporary shelters, or are living in private boarding houses without a private bathroom and/or security of tenure.
Housing Cost Burden represents the percentage of Edmonton households whose shelter costs are more than 30% of their total before-tax household income (percentage in unaffordable housing).
Transportation and housing expenditures represent the affordability of Edmonton as measured by the combination of the two biggest cost burdens for Edmontonians: transportation and housing costs.
Discrimination and racism represents how Edmontonians treat each other. Sometimes people are treated unfairly or discriminated against based on who they are, their age, gender, ethnicity, disability, etc.